Keeping up to date with London 2012 will be completely different; the Games today are much more accessible. There are many ways of keeping up to date, via your mobile phone, tablet or PC.

On Your Marks….. The London games are the first to feature an electronic starter’s gun, linked to speakers behind each sprinter to ensure that they all hear the “shot” at the same time. There is also a laser projected across the finish line to record the winner with maximum accuracy – a bit different from the 1948’s London Olympics, where the athletes broke through a fluttering white tape. Times, previously recorded by a chap with a stopwatch and a keen eye, are now obtained by speed guns that can capture the moment an athlete crosses the finishing line to the millisecond, helping ensure the right athlete is at the top of the podium!

If all that tech isn’t enough for you, don't forget all the bookies' computer systems processing bets; all the medical equipment on standby for every eventuality; TfL and the on-going challenge of making sure everyone, spectators, athletes and the working public alike can get to where they need to be; all the cutting edge technology that has gone into the design and manufacture of all the kit – javelins, discus, tennis rackets, cycle helmets….. even the track itself.
Next time you watch Team GB win a medal remember the technology behind the scenes that is making this all possible!