Thursday 24 January 2013

Green Month Feature - Monitoring Polar Ice Caps with VersaLogic

Believe it or not, with the weather we’ve been having, scientists believe that the world is heating up much faster than previously thought. My driveway might disagree though.

Much of the scientific evidence comes from data collected by measuring the thickness, density and composition of the polar ice caps. And the evidence has been checked and double checked – the ice is definitely melting. This will eventually cause a serious rise in sea level.

Getting true measurements is a real challenge, as the ice isn't uniform. Cracks and ridges, as well as varying depths and density, can make accurate data collection difficult.

The GeoSwath wide swath sonar system, from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics (UK), is fitted to the Gavia autonomous vehicle, and shot through a hole melted through the ice to complete a series of short out-and-back data collection missions.

The GeoSwath features the VersaLogic Cobra EBX board, which controls the sonar ‘transmit and receive’ electronics, and generates a 3D digital terrain map of the ice by collecting bathymetry and side scan data of the Arctic ice sub-sheet. The data collected is used to significantly improve the understanding of the ice, and helps to improve the accuracy of parameters used in climate change modelling.

For more information on the VersaLogic range of embedded EBX computers, including the new Copperhead Core i7 board, please contact Sarsen Technology on +44 1672 511166, or drop us an email.

PS - The Sarsen Team have been battling the ice and snow ourselves – our own scientific measuring (a tape measure in the garden at home in our wellies) showed an impressive 7” of snow – more than we’ve had in Wiltshire for quite a while!

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