Check out our VPXpert X-ES printed advert in the February 2012 issue of MTE Micro technology Europe magazine featuring the Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) VPX hardware we supply & support.
MTE magazine online: www.mtemag.com
Sarsen Technology is an industry leading distributor of embedded hardware and software technology solutions. We specialise in single board computing, FPGA, digital signal processing, data acquisition and high-speed data recording COTS technology. Our clients are Europe's leaders in the telecommunications, defence, instrumentation, research, transportation and aerospace markets. You can find our web site at www.sarsen.net and follow us on Twitter at @Sarsen_Tech.
Check out our VPXpert X-ES printed advert in the February 2012 issue of MTE Micro technology Europe magazine featuring the Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) VPX hardware we supply & support.
MTE magazine online: www.mtemag.com
Just uploaded to the Sarsen Technology web site is a new white paper from Tech Source. It details how graphics chips become more powerful and how the power of these GPUs can be harnessed. While typical CPUs can process one single stream of commands per core, a modern graphics chip can process hundreds of simple floating point operations at the same time. The benefits of this translate directly into many applications where thousands of complex vector equations are required to be performed every second.
Read the Tech Source white paper: here.
The VersaLogic VL-EPMs-M1 expansion modules provide access to a variety of I/O ports in SUMIT-based embedded systems. With a full industrial temperature rating and extensive ruggedization, the VL-EPMs-M1 is an ideal solution for SUMIT-based applications that require USB, SATA, PCI Express, and mSATA capabilities. Please contact us for available models and the port combinations that are available: VL-EPMs-M1.